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md.python.measure is a component that provides measure API.

Architecture overview

Architecture overview


pip install md.python.measure --index-url

Usage example

Time measure

md.python.measure.Time component designed to measure operation time, for example:

import time
import md.python.measure

if __name__ == '__main__':
    with md.python.measure.Time() as measure:
        time.sleep(0.42)  # your operation, for example ...

        f'Operation started at `{measure.start!s}`, '
        f'finished at `{measure.end!s}` '
        f'and took `{measure.time()}` seconds'

will print:

Operation started at `0.070828782`, finished at `0.493188167` and took `0.42235938500000003` seconds
import random
import time
import md.python.measure

if __name__ == '__main__':
    times = []

    measure = md.python.measure.Time()
    for _ in range(42):
        with measure:
            time.sleep(random.random() * 1.42)

    print('Average: ', sum(times) / len(times))

will print:

Average:  0.6556656944047619

typically, it may be required for statistic purposes:

import psr.log
import md.python.measure

if __name__ == '__main__':
    logger: psr.log.LoggerInterface = ...

    with md.python.measure.Time() as measure:
        pass  # your operation

    logger.notice('Important blocking operation done successful', {'duration': measure.time()})

Set now function

By default, monotonic clock (time.monotonic function) is used to get current time, if different driver is required now argument should be passed in constructor, for example:

import time
import md.python.measure

if __name__ == '__main__':
    with md.python.measure.Time(now=time.time) as measure:

        f'Operation started at `{measure.start!s}`, '
        f'finished at `{measure.end!s}` '
        f'and took `{measure.time()}` seconds'
Operation started at `1675068910.211057`, finished at `1675068910.632562` and took `0.4215049743652344` seconds

Offline measure

md.python.measure.Time component could be used to measure duration with preset timings, for example:

import md.python.measure

if __name__ == '__main__':
    measure = md.python.measure.Time(start=4.0, end=42.0)
    assert measure.time() == 38.0

    # ... and reused:
    with measure:
        import time