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md.python is a component that provides python definition API.

Architecture overview

Architecture overview

Component overview

def dereference(reference_: str) -> type: ...
def reference(definition: typing.Union[str, collections.Callable], explicit: bool = True) -> str: ...
def verify_reference(reference_: str, source: object) -> None: ...


pip install md.python --index-url


Reference a definition

def reference(id_: typing.Union[str, collections.Callable], explicit: bool = True) -> str

md.python.reference function returns string reference (path to get definition) for given identifier (definition). Mostly required for persistence things (to dump/load configuration to restore related states), rarely to keep references consolidated.

When identifier type is a string, given value will be returned without change, but with validation.

Some definitions may be imported from private internal module ( e.g. md.python.reference imported from md.python._python.reference), for such cases to resolve definition reference implicitly (to get designed public API) explicit=False parameter should be provided.


import md.python

md.python.reference(definition='os.error')  # 'os.error'
md.python.reference(definition=str)  # 'builtins.str'
md.python.reference(definition=str, explicit=False)  # 'str'
md.python.reference(definition=md.python.reference)  # 'md.python._python.reference'
md.python.reference(definition=md.python.reference, explicit=False)  # 'md.python.reference'

Reference verification

def verify_reference(reference_: str, source: object) -> None

To ensure that reference taken correct md.python.verify_reference should be used.


import md.python

md.python.verify_reference('md.python._python.reference', md.python._python.reference)  # (nothing, ok)
md.python.verify_reference('md.python.reference', md.python._python.reference)  # (nothing, ok)
md.python.verify_reference('md.python.reference', md.python.dereference)  # raises an ReferenceException

Dereference a reference

def dereference(reference_: str) -> object

md.python.dereference function returns definition by string reference (path to get definition).


import md.python

md.python.dereference(reference_='md.python.dereference')  # <function reference at 0x7fae50d8dc10>
md.python.dereference(reference_='md.python._python.dereference')  # <function reference at 0x7fae50d8dc10>