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md.persistence.yaml component provides implementation to persist (save, read) python runtime data, using YAML format.

Architecture overview

Architecture overview

Component overview

def parse_clean_imports(raw_content: str) -> typing.Tuple[typing.List[typing.Tuple[str, str]], str]: ...
def parse_dirty_imports(content: typing.Any) -> typing.Tuple[typing.List[typing.Tuple[str, str]], dict]: ...


pip install md.persistence.yaml --index-url


pyyaml driver

md.persistence.yaml.PyYamlLoad implements md.persistence.LoadInterface and provides YAML file loading with clean and dirty import features, using pyyaml functions.

Using md.persistence.yaml.PyYamlLoad requires pyyaml package to be installed:

pip install pyyaml
import md.persistence.yaml

if __name__ == '__main__':
    load_yaml = md.persistence.yaml.PyYamlLoad()

        content = load_yaml.load(filename='etc/container.yaml')
    except md.persistence.LoadException as e:

    # use `content` data ...
import md.persistence.yaml
import md.python.dict

if __name__ == '__main__':
    load_yaml = md.persistence.yaml.PyYamlLoad.__new__(
    )  # 1. create instance without initialization

    import_ = md.persistence.DefaultImport(
        load=load_yaml,  # 2. inject instance

    load_yaml.__init__(  # 3. initialize instance
        use_clean_import=True,  # default: True
        use_dirty_import=True,  # default: False

        content = load_yaml.load(filename='etc/container.yaml')
    except md.persistence.LoadException as e:

    # use `content` data ...


  1. In example above is used a hack to solve circular reference issue, accessing to not initialized instance may lead to issue in some cases.
  2. Instances initialization this way may not be needed when caching substem is used between import and load action subsystems.

strictyaml driver

md.persistence.yaml.StrictYamlLoad implements md.persistence.LoadInterface and provides YAML file loading with clean and dirty import features, using strictyaml functions.

Using md.persistence.yaml.StrictYamlLoad requires strictyaml package to be installed:

pip install strictyaml
import md.persistence.yaml

if __name__ == '__main__':
    load_yaml = md.persistence.yaml.StrictYamlLoad()

        content = load_yaml.load(filename='etc/container.yaml')
    except md.persistence.LoadException as e:

    # use `content` data ...
import md.persistence.yaml
import md.python.dict

if __name__ == '__main__':
    load_yaml = md.persistence.yaml.StrictYamlLoad.__new__(
    )  # 1. create instance without initialization

    import_ = md.persistence.DefaultImport(
        load=load_yaml,  # 2. inject instance

    load_yaml.__init__(  # 3. initialize instance
        use_clean_import=True,  # default: True
        use_dirty_import=True,  # default: False

        content = load_yaml.load(filename='etc/container.yaml')
    except md.persistence.LoadException as e:

    # use `content` data ...


  1. In example above is used a hack to solve circular reference issue, accessing to not initialized instance may lead to issue in some cases.
  2. Instances initialization this way may not be needed when caching substem is used between import and load action subsystems.

See a strictyaml documentation for more details.

Import system

Both md.persistence.yaml.PyYamlLoad, md.persistence.yaml.StrictYamlLoad implementation supports import system using dirty and clean style.

Clean import style

Clean import represents transparent for content metadata statements, represented as !import YAML tags. Both of pyyaml and strictyaml parsers have no tag support feature from out of box. Provided in this package parser expects !import statements in the beginning of the YAML file, then after all !import tags consumed, parsing process is delegates for 3rd party implementation.

!import services.yaml
!import parameters.yaml

services: {}
parameters: {}


If use_clean_import is disabled and !import tag is presented in the file, all it content will be passed into 3rd party parser as is, what may lead to a parse issue.

All !import statements must satisfy regular expression:


for example:

!import filename.yaml  # # ok
!import filename.yaml  # <comment here> # ok

!import 'filename.yaml'  # NOT ok
!import "filename.yaml"  # NOT ok
!ImPoRt filename.yaml  # NOT ok

Dirty import style


Dirty import style marked as deprecated and will be removed in future releases. Consider to avoid using it in favor of Clean import style.

Dirty import style represents a reserved imports key at root of file, for example:

  - resource: filename.yaml
  - resource: filename2.yaml  # just as same as `- { resource: filename2.yaml }`

Unlike clean import style this parser delegates all content parsing to 3rd party implementation, without preprocessing it. After file parsed, import processing starts, then imports statement will be removed.