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md.log is advanced psr.log 2 contract implementation component that provides API to perform application logging. Inspired by monolog (which inspired by logbook).

Architecture overview

Architecture overview


pip install md.log --index-url


The basic usage case is writing log entries into a log file:

#!/usr/bin/env python3
import md.log

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # arrange
    logger = md.log.Logger(keep_list=[

    # act
    logger.emergency('Application log', {'context-example': 42})
    logger.alert('Application log', {'context-example': 42})
    logger.critical('Application log', {'context-example': 42})
    logger.error('Application log', {'context-example': 42})
    logger.warning('Application log', {'context-example': 42})
    logger.notice('Application log', {'context-example': 42})'Application log', {'context-example': 42})
    logger.debug('Application log', {'context-example': 42})

    logger.log(level='custom-level', message='Application log', context={'context-example': 42})
# cat /tmp/my-app.log
[2023-01-18 17:23:17.403825] app.EMERGENCY: Application log {"context-example": 42}
[2023-01-18 17:23:17.404138] app.ALERT: Application log {"context-example": 42}
[2023-01-18 17:23:17.404974] app.CRITICAL: Application log {"context-example": 42}
[2023-01-18 17:23:17.405162] app.ERROR: Application log {"context-example": 42}
[2023-01-18 17:23:17.405231] app.WARNING: Application log {"context-example": 42}
[2023-01-18 17:23:17.405291] app.NOTICE: Application log {"context-example": 42}
[2023-01-18 17:23:17.405347] app.INFO: Application log {"context-example": 42}
[2023-01-18 17:23:17.405410] app.DEBUG: Application log {"context-example": 42}
[2023-01-18 17:23:17.405462] app.CUSTOM-LEVEL: Application log {"context-example": 42}

Keep action

md.log.KeepInterface contract designed to keep log entry, it could be used to save to a file, or send via some protocol to somewhere (e.g. elasticsearch).

Keep to stream

md.log.KeepStream is implementation of md.log.KeepInterface contract out of box, designed to keep log entry to a stream (e.g. saving to a file).

keep into files configuration
md.log.KeepStream.from_file(filename_list=['/tmp/my-app.log', '/dev/stderr'])
keep into already opened streams configuration

This method could be useful when few loggers uses one stream, but it probably may block writing.

import md.log

stream_1 = open('/tmp/my-app.log', 'a')
stream_2 = open('/dev/stderr', 'a')
keep_stream = md.log.KeepStream(stream_list=[stream_1, stream_2])

# ... somewhere later:
md.log.Logger(name='request', keep_list=[keep_stream])
md.log.Logger(name='authorization', keep_list=[keep_stream])
md.log.Logger(name='form', keep_list=[keep_stream])
md.log.Logger(name='templating', keep_list=[keep_stream])
# etc ...
log format configuration

md.log.KeepStream constructor and from_file method takes optional format_: FormatInterface parameter, that manages log entry format. By default md.log.Format instance is used with default record and date formats. See [...] for more details.

Format action

md.log.FormatInterface is a contract designed to format intermediate log entry (represented as collection.OrderedDict in runtime) into a string, that will be handled (saved, sent, etc) by related md.log.KeepInterface action.

Typically, this format action is injected into related md.log.KeepInterface implementation and called on keep action is invoked, but by design this action may be reused in any other place to format internal structure to a string.

Text format configuration

import md.log

# change only record format
format_ = md.log.Format(
  record_format='<{date!s}> {channel!s}.{level!s}: {message!s} {context!s} {extra!s}',
# change only record datetime format
format_ = md.log.Format(
  date_format='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S',  # without microseconds
# change both
format_ = md.log.Format(
  record_format='<{date!s}> {channel!s}.{level!s}: {message!s} {context!s} {extra!s}',
  date_format='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S',  # without microseconds for example

# ... then somewhere later:

keep_stream = md.log.KeepStream.from_file(

logger = md.log.Logger(keep_list=[keep_stream])

Serialization format configuration

md.log.SerializationFormat component designed to call a custom serializer, it could be any format.

JSON serializer format configuration
Builtin JSON serializer

Builtin JSON serializer could be used to serialize record into JSON, for example:

import json
import md.log

format_ = md.log.SerializationFormat(serializer=json.dumps)
# format_ = md.log.SerializationFormat(serializer=lambda record: json.dumps(record, indent=2))

# ... then somewhere later:

keep_stream = md.log.KeepStream.from_file(

logger = md.log.Logger(keep_list=[keep_stream])
logger.debug('example message')

Will log:

{"date": "2023-01-25 15:13:14.414433", "channel": "app", "level": "debug", "message": "example message", "context": {}, "extra": {}}
Third-party JSON serializer

Orjson library looks much faster than standard json library to serialize data. It could be used to serialize log record, for example:

pip install orjson
import orjson
import md.log

format_ = md.log.SerializationFormat(serializer=orjson.dumps)
# format_ = md.log.SerializationFormat(serializer=lambda record: orjson.dumps(record, option=orjson.OPT_SERIALIZE_DATACLASS))

# ... then somewhere later:

keep_stream = md.log.KeepStream.from_file(

logger = md.log.Logger(keep_list=[keep_stream])

Patch action

md.log.PatchInterface contract is designed to modify record until it kept by md.log.KeepInterface, typically it adds some extra data into log context or modifies some data of it (e.g. FormatExceptionPatch).

Pid patch

md.log.PidPatch component adds current process id into each log entry context, for example:

import md.log

if __name__ == '__main__':
    keep_stream = md.log.KeepStream.from_file(filename_list=['/dev/stderr'])
    pid_patch = md.log.PidPatch()

    logger = md.log.Logger(

    logger.debug('example log')

Will log:

[2023-01-25 12:51:55.955180] app.debug: example log {} {"pid": 42}

Thread pid patch

md.log.ThreadPidPatch component as just as md.log.PidPatch, but adds current thread id into each log entry context, for example:

import md.log

if __name__ == '__main__':
    keep_stream = md.log.KeepStream.from_file(filename_list=['/dev/stderr'])
    thread_pid_patch = md.log.ThreadPidPatch()

    logger = md.log.Logger(

    logger.debug('example log')

Will log:

[2023-01-25 12:51:55.955180] app.debug: example log {} {"thread": 42}

Format exception patch

md.log.FormatExceptionPatch component converts caught exception instance into string representation with traceback, when it's provided in log context, for example:

import md.log

if __name__ == '__main__':
    keep_stream = md.log.KeepStream.from_file(filename_list=['/dev/stderr'])
    format_exception_patch = md.log.FormatExceptionPatch()

    logger = md.log.Logger(

        raise RuntimeError()
    except RuntimeError as e:
        logger.error('Exception occurred', context={'exception': e})

Will log:

[2023-01-24 19:14:15.192289] app.error: Exception occurred {"exception": ["Traceback (most recent call last):\n", "  File \".../\", line 13, in <module>\n    raise RuntimeError()\n", "RuntimeError\n"]} {}

By default, traceback included for all standard log levels, if custom level required to be enabled, or traceback should be omitted for some level, new resolved level set should be provided in constructor, for example:

import psr.log
import md.log



- md.log logging logbook monolog (php)
Logger Logger Logger Logger Logger
Handler Keep Handler Handler Handler
RecordProcessor Patch RecordProcessor RecordProcessor RecordProcessor
Formatter Format Formatter Formatter Formatter